Connecting to the site and clicking on the upper right corner on REGISTER NOW, will lead you to the page
Fill in the registration form with all the required data and press enter. You will receive an e-mail to verify your e-mail address: click on the link to complete the registration process.
Ferrario Aste will authorize your paticipation in the Auction via e-mail; please check you received our confirming e-mail, containing the personalized authorized expense limit. Do not hesitate to contact us at +39.0249535720 for any problem in the registration process.
We strongly recommend that you register in the days preceding the Auction.
Once registered, you can also send your bids by e-mail, fax or telephone.

Sul sito cliccare sul link in alto a destra LOGIN e inserire nome utente (o e-mail) e password. Verificare che in alto compaia il proprio nome utente con i pulsanti per la gestione e la visualizzazione dei propri dati.
Collegarsi all’interfaccia dell’Asta live
Quando l’Asta live entra in azione i lotti vengono visualizzati, uno di seguito all’altro, con la possibilità di inserire offerte di un valore prestabilito tramite il pulsante verde.
Se l’Asta non è ancora incominciata solitamente compare un messaggio con l’orario della prossima Asta.

By clicking on the GREEN BUTTON you can enter your bid according to set increases, of the minimum value useful to overtake the previous bid (if there are no bids, the value is equal to starting price).
If the bid is successful, a message on the screen communicates it. Bids for the lot are still open, so other users could raise it.
The colored band under the lot name changes its color from green to ORANGE: this is the so-called “fair warning” that invites those interested in to hurry up in entering their bid.
When the colored band under the lot name changes color and turns to RED, it is no longer possible to insert bids: a message confirming the awarding appears to the owner of the winning bid.
Once a lot has been awarded, the system goes to the next lot. All lots are opened and closed one after the other, until the end of the Auction.
1,00 € | 200,00 € | 10,00 € |
201,00 € | 500,00 € | 20,00 € |
501,00 € | 1000,00 € | 25,00 € |
1001,00 € | 1500,00 € | 50,00 € |
1501,00 € | 2500,00 € | 100,00 € |
2501,00 € | 4000,00 € | 200,00 € |
4001,00 € | 10000,00 € | 250,00 € |
10001,00 € | 20000,00 € | 500,00 € |
20001,00 € | 30000,00 € | 1000,00 € |
30001,00 € | Over | 2000,00 € |